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You’ll find tighty whities, uniforms/military, sports/locker room/jockstraps, other underwear, amateurs, musky armpits, public sex/glory holes, poppers, ‘bating, bushy pubes, a bit of water sports, group sex, ass-eating, cum-eating/felching, cuddling/kissing, lust/love, and more. I fuckin’ love dudes: straight dudes, “straight” dudes, bi dudes, gay dudes, don’t-care-as-long-as-it-feels-good dudes… I don’t mass-post everything here was hand-picked because it spoke to me and/or my penis. The core of this blog: hairy, average-to-bigger built, traditionally masculine guys, and lots of sex, ranging from vanilla to dirty. Hothairynastysexy – features the best xxx gay gifs and pics from a SoCal-based, beardy, cubbish dude: bit stocky, bit furry, lean submissive. There are gloryhole gifs, gif teaser sequences, even gym bench fucking gifs. Many images and gifs of men with tattoos, hairy men, young studs all sucking and fucking each other. Younghototter – their tittle says it all “Gay Hot Men”. Some good cock sucking and edging gifs and images.

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If you know of any that you feel should be on the list please let us know.īrojobs-bi-nature – lots of bare naked men with chiseled abs.

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Many accounts were restricted and banned but some amazing ones are still available.

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Tumblr has some great gay xxx accounts that will make you hard as a rock.

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